
Join Taxia and Become a Successful Driver

Join today and gain access to a market-leading platform that connects you with passengers and helps you maximize your incomes.

Taxia life

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Increase Your Income as a Driver

Join Taxia and become part of a market-leading platform for drivers. With our multi-channel technology, we connect drivers with passengers quickly and easily, plus, you can increase your income as a driver as our platform allows you to maximize your earnings by providing high-quality service and connecting with more passengers.


Features of the

Payment reception methods:
Payment history
Nearest service assignment
Display of the nearest route to the user and/or destination
Chat with the user
Share your location with a family member or someone known
Internal taximeter
Panic button
Display of service ratings
Taxia life

Join as a Driver

Do you want to join the Taxia Life family as a Taxia Driver? Send us your information and we will contact you immediately.

Nombre *
Apellidos *
País *
Ciudad *
Número Celular *
Correo electrónico *

Frequently Asked Questions

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Taxia Driver

Direct connection with more passengers

With Taxia, you won’t have to wait on the street to find passengers. Our platform directly connects you with passengers who need a vehicle for transportation in your area.